As you wander through the tangled, time worn streets of Granada, it is hard no to go more than a few blocks without turning a corner to be confronted by a mural splashed across the building. It almost seems to bring a renewed sense of life to the ancient city.

There is a movement afoot in the city to remove and prevent the graffiti. Maybe its my background, that where I come from graffiti is mainly gang signs and swear words, but i found the art work on the crumbling walls of Granada to be stunning works of art. When you turn a corner in the maze that is Granada and find yourself face to face with a ten foot mural, it is a mesmerizing.
More than once I found myself frozen on the sidewalk, contemplating the image emblazoned on the wall before me. While I can see why some would object to painting on the ancient walls of the city, the murals are both creative and beautiful, hardly the work of some young punk (more like the signature of a seasoned Picasso).
Supposedly the majority of the murals are done one artist, El Nino de las Pinturas. Whether or not that is some one's actual name or not, there is a distinct style to the paintings that would indicate the same hand at work.